Monday, February 2, 2009

My Smoochy Munchkin

Ini adalah kisah bagaimana aku mendapat tajuk to this beloved blog. Smoochy Munchkin. I didn’t even know what it means in the first place. Ianya nama yang diberi oleh love of my life eight years ago. I think it’s cute. I think it’s cheesy. I think it’s honest.

Aku sendiri pun tidak tahu itu adalah nama gelaran bagi aku sehinggalah aku found out sendiri dengan tidak sengaja tidak lama kemudian. He saved my hp number with that name. Dan apabila kami luangkan masa bersama, he would look at me, smile at me and called me with that name. Mimi my smoochy munchkin as he said it.

Eight years ago, I found a diary in his bag tak lama selepas kami berkenalan. Seperti remaja lain yang begitu gemarkan rahsia, I didn’t even think twice to read it. Aku rasa seperti terjumpa harta karun yang berharga. Yes, aku tak beretika sebab baca diari orang. But I couldn’t help it. I just wanted to know him better.

Diari yang sedih. Itu yang dapat aku simpulkan setelah membaca isinya satu persatu. Penuh kekecewaan, kehampaan dan kritikan. Kebanyakannya disampaikan melalui poem (in English). Dada aku sesak tatkala membacanya… Bagi aku, kalau beliau menggunakan diary beliau sebagai prop untuk memikat hati wanita, I think ianya akan berkesan sebab konfem kesian least berkesan untuk aku. Wakakka…I’m just kidding.

Kemudian apabila aku selak dan selak lagi ke page berikutnya, aku terjumpa ini.

“My Smoochy Munchkin"

" I wonder, I was so eager to have words with you. I feel like I was born again. How I wish we had met earlier. Our intention is so honest and love blooms so very fast. We’re lonely, being left by those who didn’t know what appreciation, tender and hope is. We’re glued to each other by similarity, trust, hopes and dreams. Words are our food, and when we thirst, we’ll just look at each other, staring. We’re quick to grab the oppoturnity to share our feelings and I’m glad we didn’t waste that time.

I’d love to love you forever and I wish to die with your love…as I will.”

I was so touched. In fact I still am. Aku selak kebelakang lagi, tapi itu adalah catatannya yang terakhir. Aku rasa agak frust sebab aku ingin tahu banyak lagi. But I’m glad he ended it with something different. Sementelah diarinya dipenuhi dengan kekecewaan dan kehampaan, ironinya he ended it with hope. Beliau tak menulis diary lagi sejak beliau mengenali aku. That’s one thing for sure.

I’m happy sebab berpeluang to read it once again. The diary is with me now. I found it just now dalam kotak album lama-lama kepunyaan beliau. Aku cuma harap Mr Shrek tak kisah aku quote his catatan dalam blog aku ni. Well, the consequencesnya pun cuma dua. It’s either he’ll be upset a bit, or he’ll be laughing to death. As for me, I’m laughing like hell now.

I can handle kot. Hopefully. Hikhikhik…

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