Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Just Do It

OMG..what's wrong with me. I can't stop typing!!

Okey, i'm not in a good mood to berforum. And i'm not in a good mood to berborak kat telefon. But i'm so passionate enough to type something in my blog. Why? Because today i just want to spend my time with myself. Nobody but me. I found that blogging is the best way to communicate with ourselves di samping dapat merakam semua ideas, events dan bermacam perkara lagi yang kit rasa ada kene mengena dengan diri kita.

Cut the crap. Lame intro.

Speaking of writing, i've been asked by someone to write a script. Skrip...alah..skrip drama ke, filem ke. Heh, the thing is, i'm capable ke?

Kalau ikutkan orang tuh, i'm capable katanya. Maka habis la semua kata-kata pujian yang membuat aku kembang kuncup (hidung jek, montot tak), buat apa pun tak kena, duduk salah baring pun salah. Dalam kepala otak asyik terfikir, syoknyeeee kalau hasil skrip aku depa dok kuarkan kat tv atau silver screen.

Yes, i can write. But not script. Coz i'm a moody writer. My idea can simply berubah from time to time. Can u imagine if i write a script, then suddenly i feel macam tak suka. Haaa...mesti sampai kiamat pun tak abis-abis skrip aku tuh. Same goes if i write a book. I don't think i can finish it.

I gave the same reason to that person. But he questioned me back. "Have u tried?" he asked. Huhuh...so i just replied him with sengihan. Pity me. I was running out of reason and i still am. If we never tried, how do know that we cannot make it. So the key word is TRY. But some things are not worth trying, so we simply do it. Or like Nike says, JUST DO IT.

In my mind (and my heart), i have this kind of thought and feeling. I really wanna make that someone to be proud of me. I know, with my condition right now, i'm having difficulties to make it happen. But comes to think of it, are those difficulties really made for me OR me myself who creates the difficulties. Heh..serious shooooot..the more i look for the answers, the more i feel like a jerk. Coz the ultimate answer is right in front of my eyes.

Hmm...what should i write for the beginning of my very own script. At this moment, i think i should keep it to myself. I gotta try. Yeah, i gotta do it. It's just now or never.

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